Just Me Myself And I

Just some nonesense rambling along with mini tales and views of thing. Some DQMW fanfic as well.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

This blog thing...SUCKS!!!

I can't believe I had to go in circles trying to figure out how to use this blog thing. Oaky, so far I have no friends here. Going to have to invite people. Only what nonsense do I speak of. So far I hate all the skin they have here. Pink....ahhhhhhhh.....I can't believe I'm using it. Well.....I suppose once I have people come on board here I'll actually not be Sooooo.....Lonely over here. HEHEHEHE!!! Okay, maybe it doesn't suck. I'll see. Maybe I'll just post my crazy tales of things I experience, and or post my stories and poems. And noooo....they are not all DQ. Remind me to tell you the latest tale of my crazy sexy kitty. HAHA!!! Okay, so give me some ideas on what to blab over here. Maybe ask me some questions to get the ball going. HAHAHA!!!!


At Sunday, November 05, 2006 5:04:00 PM, Blogger Rianne said...

Hi Maritza!!

You do have friends see!!

You should do what I did and type the address of your blog ie:

http://justme-mari.blogspot.com/ into the section marked signature in your forum profile and then everyone can come and visit and chat!!!

and its not boring at all!!!!


At Sunday, November 05, 2006 7:04:00 PM, Blogger Maritza said...

OMG!!! Someone actually visited this blog of mine. I was thinking that I would be talking to air. HAHA!!!
I did place that url address on my forum profile. But I guess the truth of the matter is that....*sniff, sniff*...I'm not love...Wahhhhhhh!!!!
Thanks for checking me out here. I'll see about getting more creative around here. What? Don't know yet.....HEHE!!!


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