Today It Rained.....
Today it rained.
It rained and rained and just rained.
I'm soaked.
I'm soaked, I'm soaked and really soaked.
And I'm cold.
I'm cold, I'm cold and so cold.
Brrr, brrr, brrr, and brrrrrr....
Need hot coco.
Hot coco, hot coco and more hot coco.
Warmth, warmth and ahhh...warmth.
Better, better and much better.
Sigh, sigh, sigh and sssssigh.......
This was our yesterday... but perfect poem to capture yesterday for me because that was all it did... :(... it was a nasty day!!!
hI mArItZa!
So is it raining in New York New York then?!!
He he! That's very cool!
I always dreamed of living there when I was 'grown-up' is it all that I would expect - baring in mind I have only seen it on TV!! Although I do watch NYPD Blue!!?!
You know I've never been to the States at all!!! I really want a holiday! I don't care if it rains there too!!Its got to be better than here!!!
I've just seen your picture! (I can only open this windown really small as I'm not supposed to be on the internet at work!!)
But Hello!! Its nice to see who I'm talking too!!
And I LOVE your hair! Beautiful! Must take you AGES!! And I am pleased to see that you are wearing clothes in your picture!!! He he!!!
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!Yeah, I'm not like some people showing off skin.... rained a great deal yesterday straight through from the evening before. Hubby took me to work in the morn, but I was stuck on my own on my way home. Didn't have money for a cab, had to take mass transportation and it's like hiking forever. Got home looking like a wet poodle. Hair no longer straight and leaving a puddle of trails in my home. HAHAHA!!! But hubby took care of warming me up.....HEHE!!!
He made me HOT COCO!!! What??? A lady doesn't talk....HAHA!!!
Ohhhh.....Thanks for checking me out Rianne and Eliza.
And my hair...Thanks. All I do is wash it and go with a little gel. And I can skip a day or two without reaplying the gel, maybe a sprinkle of water. It's when I straighten my hair that takes a long time as it's super long to my waste. Takes an hour to do. If I want it super dead straight, then close to two hours.
ha! Wow! My hair is really long like that too - but its poker straight and WILL NEVER hold a curl! Want to swap hair for a little while? That would be cool!!
Love your comment about your husband warming you up!! Thats funny! I must get me one of those one of these days (a husband! - although a hot cocoa would not be refused either!!)
And okay with the dress I'm wearing in the pic, its actually very classy! Plain black, to mid calf and it cuts across so I don't even have any exposed cleavage!!! It just looks bad on that pic!! But it thought it was a funny pic and sooooooo!!!
You are officially linked to my Blog!!
The link you need is
and you will need my blog address which is
Just keep scrolling through the text I would say the segment you need is about 3/4th's of the way down!!
Good Luck!!
And Ta Eliza for the original link!!
Thanks Rianne for linking me up...And I finally figured out adding links and have added you as well here. HEHEHEHEHE!!!!
Thank you!!!
See it wasn't too bad - although I sat there and scratched my head for ages. I'm sure we'll get loads better at all this - what with all the time we all spend on here!!
I know my typing speed and accuracy has improved loads which is always useful!!!
Ohhhhh...yes it was that bad....
Drove me nuts trying to figure out how to get around here. That whole linking thing is ridiculous. No real explanation as to how exactly to do it. I would say it is not exactly user friendly if you have to beat your brains out.
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