Just Me Myself And I

Just some nonesense rambling along with mini tales and views of thing. Some DQMW fanfic as well.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My Other Half's Embrace

"My Other Half's Embrace"

I lay here in exuberent content,
overflowing with the knowledge of being blessed.

Where once skin laid untouched,
has been grazed upon once more.
And the rhythm has increased,
as to match the other's tune.

I lay awake in wonderment supreme,
beaming the enchantment of cherishment within.

Where there was encassment of heart
now warmth radiates galore.
Feverish attacks amounts,
until it's peeks reaches the moon.

I lay once again, in my other half's embrace,
well nourish, well tended and well strongly affirmed.

Where the moment of enamor subsides,
sweet memories will adore.
As slumber sweetly descends,
peacefully the evening will croon.

by Maritza F., Spring 2005


At Thursday, November 16, 2006 8:33:00 AM, Blogger Rianne said...


Thank you for putting this one up!

I love this one!!

Very sensual!

Just lovely!!

Don't give up on your blog!!

Its nice that you have poetry to post here - I only really have my babblings and an announcement that each new chapter is up!!I am the worlds worst poetry writer - its just not funny how bad some of my attempts have been!!


At Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:10:00 PM, Blogger Maritza said...

Why thank you Rianne.
I appreciate you taking the time to read and enjoy my little poems. My poems are simple yeah, but I enjoy them. I'm working on one really complicated one that I think you need some kind of degree to understand it. HAHAHA!!!! I'm experimenting with that one, throwing in words I've never used before. HAHA!!!
Awwe... So you found it very sensual and lovely. Yeah...that's the idea and I'm glad it came out that way being sensual.
The blog thing...we'll see. So far it appears I'm just boring. I will try to keep up. I was actually thinking of opening up various blogs here under my account. One for poetry. One for ramblings. One for scripture reflections, and one for my opinion on things. Ohhhhh... one for my love of DQ. I suppose the Fanfic. Mmmm...maybe one on parenting or relationships. HEHEHE!!! I just love witing.
Why not try throwing in some of your poetry. Poems don't always have to be set by certain rules. You won't be able to improve them if you don't share them. So lets see them. HEHEHEHE!!!

At Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice poem. It's sensual all right. Do you have more? Keep them coming.
I like the other ones too.

At Thursday, November 16, 2006 10:32:00 PM, Blogger Maritza said...

Uhhh...Thanks Anonymous. Glad you like this poem and my other ones. I have more.
May I ask who you are?

At Sunday, November 19, 2006 3:10:00 PM, Blogger Bean said...

I like who the poem before this one and this one sort of are opposites... that is nice!!

I find that writing has actually increased my vocab as well... I often will use the thesarus to look up a word and be like wow look at all the words I can use... he he...That's how I learned educe... one of my new favorite words because it sort of rolls off the tongue.

That's a lot of blogs to keep up with but if you can do it I think it's a great idea!!


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