Long Time, No Writing
Time, No Writing...
my goodness! It truly has been a while since I last wrote on this
blog, roughly 2 years. In fact writing in general had ceased
entirely. Due to notoriously having been known to write extravagantly
long, three dear ladies on my Facebook wall decided to bring to my
attention about my recent very, very, very longggg status the other
day, citing that I ought to start a blog as that status was way too
long. Well, I suddenly recalled I had this blog long forgotten. Took
a while to log in due to not recalling my password.
suppose the reason I decrease and later stopped entirely writing on
here was due to my then ever increasing responsibilities in my
mother's care and everything else in my life before my mother's
passing later. Plus, my original laptop up and entirely died on me,
and then there were subsequent other used computers, but weren't too
successful in keeping alive for long. Thus, began my long absentee
period of writing, and I SURE missed it. It's what kept me afloat
during my mother's failing health. Mind you, I had only discovered
true writing back in 2005, that is creating stories. I did write a
little in the past, mainly on and off journaling. But THIS, where my
muse had kicked in on constant overdrive creating and creating
stories after stories was something ELSE, both EXHILARATING and
INTOXICATING. I LOVED it. I felt alive once the flow began to speed
up. As though I finally found something I was possibly good at.
so last night just after midnight, that urge to write kicked in to
briefly explain as to my absence here and overall writing. Only, it
turned out to be quite the EPIC writing detailing some of what had
happen during my dark period of my life when my mother took ill and
everything was just spiraling out of control despite my efforts at
keeping afloat and keeping some kind of normalcy with my family even
if it was still celebrating New Year's Eve a couple of days after my
mother's passing - just privately with my small family as my mother
wouldn't have had it any other way.
was FEELING the words being written down, and my muse would butt in
with ideas for stories and and....the UNTHINKABLE happened! What I
had written to post on this blog, DISAPPEARED and there was no way to
retreat it as I was writing directly onto this blog on my cell. How
could I have been so stupid and not change over to my laptop when I
suddenly began to write more than just a couple of paragraphs. It
must have been several pages. I freaked out, wanting to tug at my
hair, or thrash that stupid excuse for a smart phone. The tears
overwhelming me way pass 2am as this brought back memory of having
lost everything on that laptop that died on me. Part of the reason
for the beginning of my decline in writing. And to think it happens
again on another computer. I still am not truly recovered from those
lost and for me to attempt writing last night only to lose it was
just about almost to put me over the edge.
as you can see, I decided to get back on that horse again and start
all over once I calmed down and slept. Not quite the same as I wrote
last night and mind you truly extensive, but for now, this is the
best I could do in the hopes I can once and for all resume back to
writing. It's about time I put to use the laptop a dear friend gave
me a few months back around my birthday this past January.
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