Just Me Myself And I

Just some nonesense rambling along with mini tales and views of thing. Some DQMW fanfic as well.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What A Trip!!!

WOW! What a trip. Ever had someone tell you your unedited piece of work sucks. LOL! Hello!!! That is why I mentioned it was still in the editing stage. I mean the idea I let her read it is for her to tell me if it is sounds like a good story not for it's grammar and that was all she was focused on, so I had to tell her than don't read unedited stuff. It was quite hilarious and I was like, is she for real? So I give her another more finished piece and she tells me it's much better, again only focusing on the grammar. I still have no idea what she thinks content wise on either of the story. So I wasted my time showing her my pieces.
And have you ever had someone tell you it's good, it's good but don't tell you why? That kind of review really doesn’t help you. Fine they read it. I am thankful of that and that they took the time to tell me they like it. They could still pin point in very little words what made them like the story. I guess that is why when I give feed back I like to get it and explain why I liked and even don't like a piece. And if I do come a piece I don't particularly like I will still comment and still point out good things. All stories have something good in them. Well, there was one fic I read I really felt was way off stupid. I got the impression they did it on purpose to rouse things up. So I didn't bother commenting.
Anyway, that particular piece of work still has much reworking to be done. I really want to post something soon so I should concentrate on the story that is close to finish, “Just More Than Friends.” I’m actually kind of excited about this one. I just hope my proof reader has time to look over it when she gets back from vacation and let me have it. HAHAHA!!!Mmm...I generally don't like snippets as to me that is such a tease. But I'm going to let you see a little of it just to be able to force myself to put it out, so as like a commitment that I better deliver the rest. HAHAHA!!!


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