Just Me Myself And I

Just some nonesense rambling along with mini tales and views of thing. Some DQMW fanfic as well.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm Still Alive

Hello all. In case anyone is wondering, I am alive. Just going through a series of medical testing. Not fun. So far two things were found or rather 3 of which I go into surgery next Monday for one. Yeah, several weeks of being torture at the hands of doctors. LOL. Poking, probing, testing, whatever.
Anyway, I just haven't been much around, especially the forums. Sorry. And I've been shifting my focus on other things particularly by writing, and other kinds of reading. These are my comfort and is what I most desire at the moment. Feels funny not to hear from anyone. Hope to hear from you all soon.


At Tuesday, February 27, 2007 12:36:00 PM, Blogger Rianne said...

Hey Sweetie!

I had been wondering where you had gotten too!

I'm so sorry to hear that - but at least they know what they are looking to do now.

A little less poking a little more action! (I heard Elvis in my head then!)That has to be good!

I hope everything goes well, and that you are feeling much better soon!!

Thinking about you!


At Tuesday, February 27, 2007 12:50:00 PM, Blogger Maritza said...

Hey, thanks. Someone actually remembers me. LOL I'm not completely forgotten. HEHE!!! Okay, I'm being silly. I just having been on line much these days. RL really is messing with me particularly them vampires disguised as health professionals. LOL My arms bruises easily and since they can never find my veins, I have to endure being poked a couple of time till they find a vein. LOL Grrrr....Not fun. I look like some junkies.
Now I have to go in for monthly shots. Lovely, just what I need. I am forever at the doctors. They just simply love me. I make them laugh when they take my blood because I am the only one to laugh when they poke me instead of saying ouch. LOL
Well, say hello to the forum for me.

At Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:22:00 AM, Blogger Rianne said...


I will pass the message on for you!

I don't mind shots either! I get really curious about what they are doing! Argh!!

I hope everything goes well. Keep us updated as you can!

And Oh i know how crazy the bad Ole REAL LIFE can be!! Same here at the moment!!

It WILL get better! I've promised myself it will!!


At Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:51:00 AM, Blogger Lynn said...

I hope all goes well with the surgery and that the blood letting stops soon for you.

At Wednesday, February 28, 2007 4:59:00 PM, Blogger Maritza said...

SGASPS!!!! WOW!! Two people today responding. Shocking. LOL.
Thanks Lynn and Rianne.
I'm fine here. Actually today was the first day since Christmas I actually did something fun out of all the nonsense. LOL And I even got a little dolled up, letting my hair loose, make up, even did my nails. Gosh that felt good. LOL Have to do that more often again. Hey, I even WOW'd my husband. LOLLLLL!!!! Well, all I did was to attend a spiritual support group, but it was great to see familiar faces and just to get out besides going to medical appointments. I only got one appointment this week on Friday, and none next week. Woo Hoo!! But, grrrr....the following week it's the kids appointment. Well, at least it's not me for a change. Don't worry, they are just getting their yearly physical. But after that, back to a couple more medical appointments for me.


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