Just Me Myself And I

Just some nonesense rambling along with mini tales and views of thing. Some DQMW fanfic as well.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Yeah, I just saw "Happy Feet" and loved it. I understand what Mumble went through being different and not having control with something about himself. I have a confession. I think I have "HAPPY HANDS!" HEHEHE!!! Yeah, I can't seem to stop writing. I've increased my e-mail response considerably as I love to write and express myself better that way. I don't think I have the flair of articulation, but I'm more comfortable expressing through my writing.
I'm known for my lengthy e-mails and letters. I can't help it. I also write a great deal of stories, but my problem is that I need to sit down and buckle down to editing them one by one. I am trying to work on this.
Currently, I am writing a continuation to "The Horseback Ride and have written the continuation of " A Misunderstanding." It's just a matter of editing. Then out of nowhere, I write another fic. This is my problem. The constant ideas that come to mind and I have to keep writing. I think I need to tie up my little muse for a spell to catch up editing. I hadn't realized how much of an imagination I have and I am just embracing it for the first time. Yeah, after years of searching, I finally found what I'm good at. It's my creativity and I guess my writing as well. Now if only I can improve my craft as I still have much to learn. HEHE!!! It will be years before I get my first and only prize winning novel. HEHEHE!! Yeah, just when I am ready to croak or be shoved off to the nursing home.


At Tuesday, January 02, 2007 11:52:00 AM, Blogger Lynn said...

Where are you? I miss you around here

At Tuesday, January 02, 2007 11:53:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you? I miss seeing you around here!

At Thursday, January 04, 2007 5:00:00 AM, Blogger Rianne said...

Hi Maritza!!

Happy New Year!

I saw this penguin film! It was too cute! I LOVE penguins!!

Hope you are good - we're missing you down at the forum...


At Saturday, January 20, 2007 9:51:00 PM, Blogger Maritza said...

Sorry ladies for not being around the past month, but my laptop was out of commission. Now I'm back in business. And I'm getting there around the forum. The fics will be a slow process for me to catch up as there is so much for me to read. But I shall get there. Bare with me.
Rianne, great that you enjoyed "Happy Feet."
Thanks ladies for asking for me.


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