Just Me Myself And I

Just some nonesense rambling along with mini tales and views of thing. Some DQMW fanfic as well.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Hello All.... Turkey Wave
I just want to take the oppotunity to say,
Happy Thanksgiving
Eat up good and plenty and rest up.
Take care....


At Thursday, November 23, 2006 3:03:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
Post more of your stories. Stop being such a coward and do it. I like all I've read so far.

At Thursday, November 23, 2006 9:20:00 AM, Blogger Rianne said...


I can see both posts!! An orange one and the one where you were testing it!!

Blogs!! Who knows!!

But Happy Thanksgiving!!!


At Thursday, November 23, 2006 9:48:00 AM, Blogger xenaevegabby said...

Maritza, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to stay safe and eat lots of good stuff! :) I don't know if the Macy's Parade runs near you, but I think a friend of mine from high school will be in the parade. :) Anyway, have a great day!



At Thursday, November 23, 2006 10:52:00 AM, Blogger Maritza said...

I don't know how the heck you are able to view my last two posts as I can't even access it unless I go through the archives, but thanks for the well wishes and same right back at ya.
Rianne, do you celebrate anything like Thanksgiving over there? Where men pig out all day long. HAHA!!!
Yes, Ashley, I am somewhat near the parade about a half hour ride away. By subway, 45 minute to an hour away, Bus, two hours.
My kids didn't feel like braving the rain, and neither did I. Besides, I feel rather lazy today, as hubby is doing all the cooking. Maybe later I will help. HEHE!!!
Lissa, you know me and my writing. I know, I know. I will get there. I'm trying to edit each story as I finish editing one. My new year's resolution, is to get all my stories out.I want to work on my DQ one's first. I'm doing editing for the next couple of hours as my kids banned me from the living room to get the tree up. Then I have to sneak in later to do some rearraging. HEHE!!
Hopefully this new story that is finish will finally feel right to post soon.

At Thursday, November 23, 2006 11:05:00 AM, Blogger Rianne said...


Surely not a Christmas tree already!! Wow!!! I don't allow Christmas until Dec 1st at my house!! Its not that I am a scrooge - its just that its no longer exciting when Christmas lasts months! Although I have seen a few in homes on my way too and from work for the last few nights and businesses have them up, but I can understand that!!

How old are your children? - I'm just trying to guess how much re-arrainging you will have to do!!! That's funny!!!

No we don't celebrate anything like thanksgiving!

I get a day off work for the Queen's birthday in the summer!!

Wow Ash! That's cool that some one you know is in the Parade!! I have only ever seen it on things like Miracle on 34th Street!! Ha ha!!



At Thursday, November 23, 2006 2:47:00 PM, Blogger Maritza said...

Yes, a Christmas tree goes up faithfully every year. We start decorating on Thanksgiving as a family activity to do while we make brunch and watch the annual Macy's parade on TV and listening to Christmas music. The decorations continues all day long (the rest of the house) until the Thanksgiving dinner is done and family come by.
My kids are 15 and 9. It's my 9 year old that I have to go after and correct. He is so stubborn wanting to do things his way that he refuses to see anything wrong. So we wait till he is away and start rearranging. The other kid is my husband who just throws anything anywhere and calls it decoration. HEHEHE!!! Men, all they are good for is eating. HEHE!!! I better shut up. My husband is doing the cooking. I'm cleaning and decorating.

At Friday, November 24, 2006 3:39:00 AM, Blogger Rianne said...


I hope you had a good day!!

Oh it would have driven my parents crazy to have the decorations up so long at my house!!


p.s - I've a naughty new short on the forum!! he he!!

At Friday, November 24, 2006 9:19:00 AM, Blogger Maritza said...

Hi Rainnie,
Hey, with name do you prefer? Rianne or Rainnie. I like them both.
Thanks, I had a lovely day of relaxation at home most of the day. Then we found out the elevator to my apartment complex wasn't working and I couldn't bring my Mom over as she is wheeled chair bound. I live on the top floor of a 6 story building.
HAHA!!! My hubby is the one that goes nuts seeing all the X-mas decorations so early. So the kids and I decorate all the more. HEHEHE!!! Ohhhhh....I'm so bad sometimes. But the man still loves me as is. He has to. He's got no other choice but to give in. HEHE!!
And, ohhhhhhh....Rainnie...You NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY little girl. That little fic was such a great HOT little number. Just right amount of descriptiveness without going overboard graphic. Wonderfully done how you capture the essence of who M&S are. Left you a more detail description on the board. I want more of this, you hear!!!!!


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