Just Me Myself And I

Just some nonesense rambling along with mini tales and views of thing. Some DQMW fanfic as well.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Yet, Another DQ Short I Wrote

HaHa! I'm on the role here. That's because I've been focusing on my writing more than reading these days. I'm a notorious reader, always carrying a book even in the back pockets of my jeans. LOL! I tend to read books in a day. But I've slowed down a bit, shifting my focus on my writing. I've vowed to write a story every time I am not working on my novel.
Ah, but I must get back to reading the DQ fics I miss so much. I've just really been busy. So I've decided to read some every weekend morning, since I tend to rise super early while the rest of the family continues dozing off.
The story I wrote today is about the towns folks 10 years from now. Some interesting facts on what they have been up to. Not quite sure it's tile yet. Perhaps just call it 10 Years From now. It was suppose to be my part 3 to my Sunday Series, but somehow it took a mind of its own taking a major detour into a whole other writing, no longer fit for the series. I still have my ideas for part 3. I just now have to write a whole new piece for it keeping focus on my intentions.
Yes, what we writers have to go through. Nothing ever goes to plan, and almost always out of a mess spawns a whole new story. So never get rid of the stuff that aren't working. They may come in handy someday.
Adios, Maritza


Sunday, July 29, 2007

WooHoo! Another story I wrote.

Oh, I had fun with this one. Though it is not strictly comedic, it has it's fun moments.
This one I think may possibly be in three parts. As it stands, I can leave it as one long piece, or break it into two and leave it at that. And or, I can add a part three, of which I am already forming my ideas. Yeah, that sounds more like it. That way I can call it the Sunday Series, LOL!! That's because a number of event happens on a particular Sunday, involving the Sully clan romance, embarrassments, surprises, humor and shock. Yeah, the first part is Sunday's Brunch, so I guess I can call the second part Sunday's feast. If that is the case, then third part should be Sunday's Dessert? LOL!!!! Oh, I have got to write a part three.....to top the other two parts. LOL!!! And it takes place a decade later after the six season.
Stay tuned.....
Umm...I think writing the progress of my stories here may have it's benifits in motivating me to finish them.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I'm Writing Again

Yay!!! I'm back to writing. I just wrote a DQ fic. Pretty much finished, just needing some minor editing or rather proof reading. So I'm putting it aside a day or two to revisit it and see if I can catch more of my mistakes. The worse part of my writing is my tenses. I tend to prefer writing in the present tense so I often revert to that while writing. I found myself doing it a lot with this one that I think I'm going to go back and change it to the present tense.
It's call, More Than Just Friends. It's about M&S discovering they are more than just friends. LOL!!! Obviously, it's set during the first season. It is a tiny bit altered, but hopeful not too much. I wrote this it today. It's over about 5ooo words. I have another one almost finished as well. Just needs minor editing too. It's the my novel I want to work on, only I misplaced the notebook I wrote it in. So in the mean time, I'll work on QD fics again and start all over typing up some that I luckily have long hand. Phew! It just means re-doing it again. Stay tuned. So I'm writing again.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Life Is Really Something

Yeah, life can really be something. You expect to have all these good things to happen to you and no headaches, and no worries, and no pain...but it is inevitable. To live you have to take the bad with the good. In other words, everytime you are happy you are bound to be sad or mad then back again to glad. That's life cylce.
That is what life is all about and it's how we deal with it do we come out of it on top a winner. Not allowing our miseries to conqur us, but to take it as just temporary as good times will always come around again. Yes, the intense miserable feeling lingers with us for a while, but keep it short live by getting back into positive things that makes you feel good. That's what life is about. All sorts of experiences in which to use all of your emotions. The trick is to try to obtain the emotion of happiness as much as you can and one way is to not dwell so much on the negative stuff. But to focus, and recall the good times, the happy moments, what makes you feel good provided that it is positive, surround yourself with positive activities and people.
It doesn't matter if you have no money. Poor people can still enjoy life. It's just different. And people with money aren't all happy. I mean look at all those stars with millions, able to have everything they want, but they can't buy true love and happiness. It's when you are truly LOVED and give LOVE that enables you to be HAPPY. Thus, start with yourself if no one loves you. Once you do that, you'll see how others will start to love you. But don't be selfish with yourself. You have to give LOVE back in order to receive. Than HAPPINESS can rule your heart even though things are falling apart at times. And when things crumble, just focus on the good stuff to get you through. And for those of you fortunate enough to be aquatinted with Christ, LOVE is what rule him and it is this he's teaching us in order to be truly HAPPY. Learn from him.
So LOVE...and you shall be HAPPY. And I'm not talking about romantic love. I'm talking about love for mankind. A little kindness goes along way. Harboring ill feelings or anger and revenge does you no good. You're still miserable. Just let it go. Open your heart to LOVE....and you will find HAPPINESS.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hello, I'm Still Around, Just A Little Down

I know I haven't been around here much or for that matter to any other of my accounts. I just been having so much going on in my life and had to focus on other things for a change. Currently, I have been helping my mother keep up with her medical appointments. She is home bound with a recurrent diabetic ulcer on her foot. I wish I live near her to help take better care of her. But it is difficult. She forgets that I have a family to tend to.

Yes, she needs my help, but I don't appreciate the put down. I'm the only one in the family to make sure things are well with her. I have to now make sure her pill box and insulin are pre-filled. As visually she is unable to see. I have to do some cleaning and organizing because the aid can't do somethings and or my mother doesn't permit them to do their job. Money is always missing. She is gaining more weight and not getting enough exercise.

Good Lord, should she finally lose her foot, I fear that things can only get worse for me and her. And I don't know how else to deal with her. Half the time she drives me crazy. My siblings are no help leaving it all to me. It is not fair. I have a family too and because of her I am partly unable to work a full time job as who will take her to her appointments. So I suffer financially. It is so hard to live this way....and then to pretend to act like it is not that bad. Well, it is. I have my own heath issues as well. I have been trying to resolve. Don't worry. It is not life threatening. I also have other problems a fear will be coming up soon that I have to deal with and wonder if I am strong enough to tackle it on. Oh, did I mention my mentally challenge brother is missing, now over a week and I don't know how to tell her being concern with her health.

I guess because of all this, my heart just isn't into writing as much. So I am writing here to see if it will help me get back into it. It also doesn't help when you don't hear from your friends. And it hurts when people you've been in contact suddenly don't have time for you. I understand very well about being busy....But I just don't buy that a friend can't take a minute just to say hello and I get tire of being the one to always initiate. So I guess they weren't really truly my friends to begin with.

I did write a little on a story I started to work on because I didn't feel people were interested in my DQ fics. We'll see what happens. I do want to return to writing DQ and replace all those stories I lost when I had that computer trouble.

Well, I guess that is enough of my nonsense and let me get back to dealing with them. I hope and pray all of you are well and not going through too much headaches at once. Yes, I am in serious need of some breather or blessings.

PS....Ooops, I forgot to mentioned that my husband and I just made our 20th year aniversay on the 24th. Cool! And I just retun from my trip with him. A most relaxing wonderful time I needed.