Just Me Myself And I

Just some nonesense rambling along with mini tales and views of thing. Some DQMW fanfic as well.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Yeah, I just saw "Happy Feet" and loved it. I understand what Mumble went through being different and not having control with something about himself. I have a confession. I think I have "HAPPY HANDS!" HEHEHE!!! Yeah, I can't seem to stop writing. I've increased my e-mail response considerably as I love to write and express myself better that way. I don't think I have the flair of articulation, but I'm more comfortable expressing through my writing.
I'm known for my lengthy e-mails and letters. I can't help it. I also write a great deal of stories, but my problem is that I need to sit down and buckle down to editing them one by one. I am trying to work on this.
Currently, I am writing a continuation to "The Horseback Ride and have written the continuation of " A Misunderstanding." It's just a matter of editing. Then out of nowhere, I write another fic. This is my problem. The constant ideas that come to mind and I have to keep writing. I think I need to tie up my little muse for a spell to catch up editing. I hadn't realized how much of an imagination I have and I am just embracing it for the first time. Yeah, after years of searching, I finally found what I'm good at. It's my creativity and I guess my writing as well. Now if only I can improve my craft as I still have much to learn. HEHE!!! It will be years before I get my first and only prize winning novel. HEHEHE!! Yeah, just when I am ready to croak or be shoved off to the nursing home.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Just Testing and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Testing this post as my previous one I posted last night isn't showing up unless you look into the archives.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Hello All.... Turkey Wave
I just want to take the oppotunity to say,
Happy Thanksgiving
Eat up good and plenty and rest up.
Take care....

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My Other Half's Embrace

"My Other Half's Embrace"

I lay here in exuberent content,
overflowing with the knowledge of being blessed.

Where once skin laid untouched,
has been grazed upon once more.
And the rhythm has increased,
as to match the other's tune.

I lay awake in wonderment supreme,
beaming the enchantment of cherishment within.

Where there was encassment of heart
now warmth radiates galore.
Feverish attacks amounts,
until it's peeks reaches the moon.

I lay once again, in my other half's embrace,
well nourish, well tended and well strongly affirmed.

Where the moment of enamor subsides,
sweet memories will adore.
As slumber sweetly descends,
peacefully the evening will croon.

by Maritza F., Spring 2005

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Left Untreated

"Left Untreated"

What must it be like
To lie side by side
And not have the honor
Of your skin be grazed
But left untreasured
To then be doused
With no pleasure of envelopment
And no growth to be bestowed

No saturation of kisses
Or warmth of breath
In one's waiting ears
Where is the cherish hope
If there is no fruition
Such mourning of passion
That has long since withered
Only to be left untreated

By Maritza F., 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Joy of Life

"The Joy Of Life"

The joy of life is bountiful everywhere.

It is in the colorful blooms sprouting here and there,
just for the picking and delighting our senses to such renewing wonderment's.

It is in the warmth that bathe and soothe us sensually,
when we take that lazy stroll side by side kissing the edge of the soothing sea.

It is in the wonderful foliage gracing our steps, simply breathtaking,
welcoming greetings of home cook meals and long overdue conversations.

It is in the cool flakes that flutter across our lashes, and reddening our cheeks,
letting us know that the greatest gift of all is about to be born.

The joy of life is everywhere, just embrace it, taste it and live it.

by Maritza F., Spring 2006

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Two of my short stories....

In case you happen to be lurking about here and haven't read my two short stories... here are the links to my posting on Fanfic. Net. It's base on the characters of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. I love this show dearly. I do write other stuff, but I decided to test the water with these two pieces first. Then I'll see if I can really write. All comments are welcome.You may leave reviews on that sight. Letting you know it is slightly suggested. Maybe I should say...highly suggested. Don't worry....it's not explicitly graphic . Now I'm off to finish editing another short. The novel....well...that will take a long....long....long...while.

http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3228491/1/ The Horseback Ride
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3228494/1/ A Misunderstanding


I'm driving myself nuts trying to open my comment page to allow annonymous comments......and also trying to add links......Most frustrating......HAHAHAHA!!!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today It Rained.....

Today it rained.
It rained and rained and just rained.
I'm soaked.
I'm soaked, I'm soaked and really soaked.
And I'm cold.
I'm cold, I'm cold and so cold.
Brrr, brrr, brrr, and brrrrrr....
Need hot coco.
Hot coco, hot coco and more hot coco.
Warmth, warmth and ahhh...warmth.
Better, better and much better.
Sigh, sigh, sigh and sssssigh.......

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Overdrive writing, what to do?

Mmm...I guess this blog really is boring. Oh well, so I'll keep talking to myself.
Been going on overdrive writing stuff, but they still need to be edited. I write so many nonsense but I need to focusing on one thing at a time. Not sure as to what to really focus on. I definitely want to continue to do more DQ shorts. As they are fun. Only my humor tends to get in the way a bit and I get the feeling people aren't all that thrill about it. Seems to me they want noting but mushy stuff the entire time through or SEX!!! Helloooooo....There is more to DQ then just M&S good stuff. HAHAHA!!! So I am venturing exploring other characters in relation to M&S of course. HAHAHA!!!!!!
I'm sorry, but my M&S have to have some fun. I can't have them all serious all the time. They did enough of that on the show. Some people like to torture them, okay fine for them so long as the story is good. Other's love to explore their intimate side a bit more graphic. Okay...so long as I still feel their love shining through. Other's can't stand M&S in the first place. LOL...this baffles me as they are the show. HAHAHAHA!!!! But everyone is different and it make it fun how we all interpret M&S and the rest of DQ. We are all grown ups, and lets enjoy everyone individualities.
Okay, what do I do with all this energy and creativity? So I've decided to start this blog to find myself or rather discover what I really want to do with all this writing. I drive people nuts with my lengthy posts. Can't help it. I love talking with my hands and experssing myself via it. And to think I'm a shy quiet person yet talk nonestop when writing. HAHAHAHA!!!! Go figure that???

Saturday, November 04, 2006

This blog thing...SUCKS!!!

I can't believe I had to go in circles trying to figure out how to use this blog thing. Oaky, so far I have no friends here. Going to have to invite people. Only what nonsense do I speak of. So far I hate all the skin they have here. Pink....ahhhhhhhh.....I can't believe I'm using it. Well.....I suppose once I have people come on board here I'll actually not be Sooooo.....Lonely over here. HEHEHEHE!!! Okay, maybe it doesn't suck. I'll see. Maybe I'll just post my crazy tales of things I experience, and or post my stories and poems. And noooo....they are not all DQ. Remind me to tell you the latest tale of my crazy sexy kitty. HAHA!!! Okay, so give me some ideas on what to blab over here. Maybe ask me some questions to get the ball going. HAHAHA!!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006


Mmmm....Just started this blog just messing around till finally it let me open an account. I have been trying for months to open this up. Grrrrrr....You see, I really am computer illiterate. So it takes me a while before I finally get it. That's because I don't have a computer expert to turn to for help like many of you can. Oh, well, soon I shall get with the program